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I have a Limited Time Offer for You!
Save 30% on my Snowman Needle Felting Kit!
But only for the next 30 minutes!
Snowman Needle Felting Kit:
Learn how to needle felt this adorable Snowman with me, Felting artist and Shepherd Teresa Perleberg. The Snowman Needle Felting kit is one of my best selling kits. It is the easiest kit that I have designed. It is perfect for all ages with fantastic results.
*Everything you need as well as detailed instructions with high quality photographs of each step.
*All my kits are designed for beginners, the instructions will teach you everything you need to know even if you have never heard of felting before.
* No sewing, knitting or crocheting skills are needed to complete this project.
*The wool included in this kit was grown by my flock of sheep. High quality wool that is perfect for felting detailed, firm, high quality sculptures. This is the wool that allows me to create beautiful art and is what I use in all my projects.
What you will find in your Snowman Needle Felting kit:
~ Wire for arms
~ High quality Romney wool from my flock of sheep
~ Felting Cushion
~ Felting Needles
~ Detailed instructions with high quality photos of each step by Teresa Perleberg
All enclosed in a resealable bag and shipped promptly.
$32.00 $22.40*
*Excludes P&P

Welcome to Bear Creek,
I’m Teresa Perleberg a needle felting sculpture artist, raising my own flock of sheep and teaching others how to felt as well as sharing my farm experiences.
~Sheep, wool, farm-life, spinning, dyeing, knitting is what I love.
- I’ve been raising sheep and needle felting since 2006, opening Bear Creek Felting in 2008.
- We raise cattle and registered Romney sheep.
- After I was introduced to needle felting I was hooked and haven’t stopped since, not realizing I had any artistic talents until I found wool.
- I opened my Etsy shop in 2008 with over 17,443 sales to date. Sending packages to every state and 28 countries.
- Honored to be featured in these magazines: North Dakota Living, Better Homes and Gardens, Mary Jane’s Farm, Sheep, Australia’s Homespun magazine and the UK’s Cross Stitchers magazine. Books: Artistry in Fiber: Sculpture by Anne Lee and E. Ashley Rooney, Raising Animals for Fiber by Chris McLaughlin. Etsy’s featured artist October 2015 and Etsy’s Quit your Day job January 2017.
- I have helped over 20,000 learn to felt with my DIY kits, classes and the Needle Felting Academy.
- My sculptures are guaranteed to make you or a loved one smile.
- In 2018 I formed a partnership with Chris Armbrust of Dakota Fiber Mill, together as Shepherd Industries, LLC we are renovating a school in Nome, North Dakota to house our growing businesses and provide a place for fiber enthusiasts to come relax, learn and experience all things fiber.