Minimizing Tech Time With Needle FeltingIf your family is anything like the rest of America, you’re probably pretty concerned with your kids’ tech habits. A 2015 research study by Common Sense Media reported that teens spend nearly nine hours each day consuming media! That’s videos, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, Youtube, Instagram..and the list could go on and on!

With the way technology has evolved, I’m sure we don’t even want to know what those numbers look like today. In 2017, Pokemon Go was all the rage. Last year, Fortnite caught on like wildfire with elementary school kids and NFL players alike exclaiming their love for the game! Who knows what will be this year’s hottest distraction?

We all have our own ways of decompressing and relaxing. So can we blame the kids for wanting to reach for their phone? That said, watching a video or playing a game here and there is a far cry from the outrageous obsession most young adults have with their devices.

If this is going to be the year where you pull your family away from their tablets, cell phones, and laptops, there’s no better way to keep them entertained than with needle felting. With these simple tips, your kids will be begging you for the felt rather than the controller!

Create A Cozy Crafting Space

Let’s be honest your kids are used to sensory overload. With dynamic colors, funny memes, and vibrant imagery, there’s a reason why the online world captivates them. So, how is your crafting night going to compete?

Like any new activity, you have to create a comfortable space for your kids to explore their creativity. If they’re uncomfortable or unamused, you’re going to have a hard time teaching them the basics of needle felting.

Clear out a large space where everyone has enough room. Before your special needle felting time begins, make sure you’re prepared with all of the tools and materials you’ll need for that specific project. Then, put the supplies in the center, so they’re easy to reach and clearly visible!

With comfortable seating, some fun, light music, and even a couple of snacks, you’ve now created a space that feels warm, inviting, and of course, entertaining.

By elevating the needle felting experience, your kids will get excited about this new endeavor. And they won’t even notice that they’ve spent a whole two hours away from their phone!

Stay On Schedule

With school, work, and after-school hobbies, we all tend to get a little off kilter with our schedules. But if you can, stay on track with your family’s needle felting projects.

If one week gets hectic and you totally forget to make time for your project, your kids might start to slowly lose interest, and they’ll stop taking their crafting seriously.

By no means am I advocating for you to lay down the iron first and force your kids to needle felt, but if you do want to create some positive habits that don’t involve wi-fi, you might want to stick to a schedule!

Pick a night or even a few nights a week where the family works on needle felting projects together. Whether you want to take this time to teach them a new hack or would rather sit quietly as everyone works on their project, you’re still creating a routine that brings the entire family together without distractions.

Join Forces

When your kids are ready to take on bigger projects, come together and really challenge yourselves! Once they feel the satisfaction of completing such a tough project, they’ll want to keep developing their needle felting skills. All it takes is one spark to ignite a love for crafting!

Your kids might not be obsessed with needle felting, and that’s ok! But, opening up their minds to fun activities offline is the gateway for them to be able to try new and exciting ventures.
Do you remember a time when someone you love brought you into their world and taught you something new? It felt amazing right? Well, you have that same opportunity with your kids!

If you’re ready to turn off the screens and get back to basics with your family, now is the time! Enrollment in the Needle Felting Academy is always open. Join us as our community learns new tips, tricks, and techniques, builds lifelong connections, and bonds over the love of needle felting!

You’ll tackle projects you never thought were possible. And once you’ve really mastered the process, you can share the love with your family. The crafting community is unique and inclusive, so have your gang join the fun.