With the pandemic’s effects still looming over many of our lives, we are facing a level of isolation like never before. Remote working, job losses, and other limitations mean the social connections we once took for granted are hard to come by.

The benefits of crafting hobbies such as needle felting are no secret.


Improved mood, reduced stress levels, better concentration and focus…the list goes on!


But could they help deal with the pressing issue of loneliness? The simple answer: Yes!

Artistic activities are a catalyst for conversation and social bonding. Being creative with others forms a strong social bond around a common interest. For this bond to grow, there doesn’t even need to be much conversation; the simple act of striving towards a common goal and purpose is enough. The social element of creative activities creates feelings of support and acceptance from peers, while the opportunity to help others increases self-worth and confidence.

Although we all suffer from loneliness from time to time, there is one group of people who are more susceptible to its often devastating effects – the elderly.

The benefits of involvement in arts and crafts to our aging population cannot be understated. As we get older, it gets harder to maintain friendships and connections, which often leads to a sense of isolation and being alone.

Introducing the joy of art through various crafts such as needle felting, into care homes, hospices, as well as to people who are stuck at home can inspire and encourage those who perhaps feel like they have nothing left to give to try new things. The formation of new friendships allows the elderly to share stories of their lives that they may not have shared for years, all while developing new skills at a time in their lives where most things are done for them. Not only does the introduction of these activities benefit the elderly, but it also benefits their families as they notice an increasing level of happiness and satisfaction in their relatives and lives!

Engaging the talent, experience, and enthusiasm of older people through creative endeavors is an incredible way to reconnect them with the community, improve quality of life, as well as helping with other age-related conditions such as dementia. Various studies have shown the positive response involvement in arts and crafts has on those feeling lonely or isolated. When part of a community, these people were keen to share what they had created and appreciate others’ work in the group. Feelings of belonging, a sense of purpose, and better coping with negative emotions were also reported.

Is there anything crafting can’t help with? We don’t think there is!
Here at Bear Creek, we are passionate about the role needle felting plays in creating a lasting community. That’s why we started our Needle Felting Academy! Joining a community like ours helps rebuild lost social connections, improve mood and well-being, and alleviate the effects of loneliness and isolation on our lives. Not only will you have access to our incredible courses and support, but you’ll also have the opportunity to engage with fellow needle felters from all over the world!

Learn to Needle Felt the Easy Way!

I’m Teresa Perleberg

a needle felting sculpture artist, raising a flock of sheep and teaching others how to needle felt as well as sharing my farm experiences.

~Sheep, wool, farm-life, spinning, dyeing, knitting is what I love.

My mission? To help others learn to needle felt the easy way.

needle felted animals

Let me show you how you can easily create beautiful sculptures

by using the correct supplies and techniques

I have helped over 10,000 learn how to needle felt through my needle felting kits and even more who have received personal instruction from me through my Online Needle Felting Academy.

Now it’s your turn! I would love to help you get started today!

Join the Bear Creek Needle Felting Academy today!

online needle felting classes

The Bear Creek felting Story