by Teresa Perleberg | Jun 26, 2020
It might be hard to believe, but did you know that needle felting can improve your physical and mental well-being? From reducing stress in your life to tackling chronic insomnia, there are many benefits to using your hands to do a craft like needle felting. Here are...
by Teresa Perleberg | Aug 30, 2019 |
If you’re one of the 500 million Americans who have trouble falling asleep at night, you know how your restlessness can throw you off-kilter for the entire day. Tossing and turning, waking up every hour (on the hour), fidgeting, throwing the sheets off—it’s no fun at...
by Teresa Perleberg | Sep 7, 2018 |
As anyone with a crafting habit can tell you, making art can be a very therapeutic process. Heck, even just stabbing wool against a block can work wonders for melting away frustrations of the day. But, for many, more targeted therapeutic exercises can be so helpful...