by Teresa Perleberg | Apr 19, 2020
Most years, the Easter weekend with all of its cheerful colors and festivities marks the beginning of Spring and planting season. Yet, this year, everything has a little different feeling. Big gatherings were canceled, families gathered by Zoom, and many of the days...
by Teresa Perleberg | Feb 7, 2020
As needle felters, we belong to a community of crafters and hobbyists who are in the habit of creating. We create beautiful creations, focusing on getting all the little details perfect. Create: 1) to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not...
by Teresa Perleberg | Jan 31, 2020 |
The downside of becoming addicted to needle felting is that you end up with dozens of fabulous creations that you don’t want to part with! Oh sure, we make our art for friends and family, but let’s be honest, do you keep more than you give or even sell? I...
by Teresa Perleberg | Dec 30, 2016 |
My last big sculpture of 2016 is this mommy elephant and her little baby. I love making elephants and this little pair turned out pretty cute. I have been sharing this work in progress on Instagram and Facebook. I put together some of the pictures here for you to...
by Teresa Perleberg | Feb 9, 2016 |
1. I am blessed to live on a farm surrounded by inspiration for my needle felting projects. A walk around the farm, a day of working cattle, visiting the new lambs in the barn or playing with the barn cats can usually stir up some needle felting inspiration on what I...