Wholesale Registration Wholesale Buyer Application Business Name* Buyer* First Last Phone*Email* Do you plan to sell our products online? If yes provide your website address below.*YesNoWebsite Please tell us how you came to know of Bear Creek Felting and/or Teresa Perleberg? Where do you plan to sell our products?*As a Wholesale Buyer, you will be agreeing to these terms: Minimum order of 25 kits, a minimum of 5 of each kit. Products or goods purchased from Shepherd Industries, LLC shall only be sold at the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP). If selling online you must provide your website address where you plan to sell our products. If selling online acknowledgment for kit design and materials must be given to Bear Creek Felting and mentioned in the description. You must use pictures provided by Shepherd Industries, LLC when selling online. Prepaid – Check, PayPal, or major credit cards. We ship using USPS Retail Ground; 20 kits = $15-$30 depending on where it is going. Shipping turnaround time is 1-2 weeks. When placing an order you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. Wholesale prices are subject to change without notice. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.