My First Needle Felted Beaver

I found some adorable picture of bbeaver projectaby beavers.  I had not realized how cute they are!  I have never made a beaver before but thought I would try and make a cute one.  I used some Icelandic wool that I had purchased from a friend for this project, since it looked like the perfect beaver color.  The pictures featured beavers that looked as if they were actually smiling, how perfect!

Someone on Facebook said I must smile as I see my projects come to life.  It’s true!  Sometimes I laugh out loud!  I love it when their personalities surface.  This little guy is very happy with his branch.  I love to take pictures of my creatures, but it is very hard to capture the detail on my dark colored animals.  He is sooo much cuter in person!  He made everyone in my house smile.

You can find him in my Etsy shop.