Nighttime Routines: Needle Felting & Self-Care

There’s no question, self-care is this year’s hottest topic. With 80% of Americans afflicted with stress, it’s safe to say we could all use a little self-care to ensure we are aligned with the best version of ourselves.

Now, we all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It sets you up for success and gives you the fuel you need to take on anything life throws at you. But one thing we all tend to forget is what we do the night before has a huge role in our happiness the next day!

Are you an avid phone scroller who cuddles under the covers, reading updates, news articles, and emails on your device? Clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine, Dr. Siegel, explains, “People are exposing their eyes to this stream of photons that basically tells your brain to stay awake and not go to sleep yet.”

Do you find yourself so drained from the day, you leave the house a mess, and tell yourself you’ll tackle the chores tomorrow? It’s something we’re all guilty of, but can you truly turn your brain off when you know you have an extensive to-do list as soon as you wake up?

If you consider yourself someone who could use a little more “me” time to feel centered, it’s high time you create a bedtime routine! Clear your to-do list, rest with a clear-head, get a full, restful night sleep, and wake up rejuvenated for the day.

To help you map out your own nighttime routine, we’ve created our own. Feel free to take this and tweak it to fit your life and wellbeing!

1. About two hours before your normal bedtime, get ready by unplugging. Yes, we know it’s difficult, but now is the time to snooze notifications, place your phone or laptop in a room downstairs, or simply, shut everything off! Now, you’re giving your brain more than enough time to unwind.

2. Tidy up the house, or delegate chores to ensure everything is ready for the morning. This includes picking out outfits for you or the kids, packing lunches, and even putting the car keys in plain sight on the kitchen counter!

3. Take a warm bubble bath or hot shower to help you wash the day away. Hot water is actually calming and helps your body relax. This is why experts say you should save your hot shower for before bed, rather than in the morning.

4. Now comes the fun part! Find a cozy spot, put on light music, and pull out your needle felting project. Find a steady rhythm, relax, and end your night with an activity you truly love. We forget how important it is to take a little bit of time to dedicate to something fulfilling!

Once you find your flow and let the repetitive movements bring you to a calming state, you’ll be mentally prepared to lay down and have a good night’s sleep!

There’s plenty of data proving the positive effects crafting has on health. Minimizing stress and boosting confidence are just a few important improvements.

Interested in learning new patterns and techniques to add to your needle felting nighttime routine? Simply want to connect with other needle felters from around the globe? I’d love for you to join my Needle Felting Academy.

With access to a loaded curriculum of video tutorials, plus feedback from me, you’ll be able to grow as a crafter while making friends along the way!