My seventh needle felted giraffe! One of my favorite animals to needle felt but somewhat tedious adding all the spots. They are such a unique animal from their long legs all the way up to their ossicones. I took pictures along the way of his progress that I share on instagram and Facebook which is always fun to see what everyone thinks my latest project is going to turn out to be. He is available to purchase in my Etsy shop.
Why are so many of your projects so expensive?? $500? I have only done one of your projects and I certainly enjoyed it. Just wondering! I do not know much about this type of art! It is amazing.
That is what they are worth to me. When someone purchases at this price it assures me that they appreciate the hours and hours and talent that went into making this sculpture. I also need to be compensated for my time and expertise. My whole family agrees that if they don’t sell at these prices we would love to have them sit on a shelf in our home and be kept as a family heirloom, however this has never happened as all of my sculptures that I have made have sold. Thanks for asking!