by Teresa Perleberg | Jul 11, 2023 |
Felting Corriedale Wool I have been asked many times over the years what my favorite wool is in regards to needle felting. I had mainly used Romney wool since that is the breed of sheep we own, so I didn’t feel like I really knew that answer. We have...
by Teresa Perleberg | Nov 9, 2015
My First Needle Felted Beaver I found some adorable picture of baby beavers. I had not realized how cute they are! I have never made a beaver before but thought I would try and make a cute one. I used some Icelandic wool that I had purchased from a friend for this...
by Teresa Perleberg | Jul 16, 2015 |
Loon #5 I needle felted my first loon years ago. I sold that first loon right away and had requests for more. I made two more loons and one miniature loon within a year. I found that after adding spots to all those loons I didn’t want to make another. ...