FAQ: When Can Kids Learn to Needle Felt?Needle felting as we know it today has been around for decades. But with addictive Youtube tutorials that transform simple pieces of felt into dynamic, lifelike creatures and a certain freedom that’s not as prevalent in other craft forms, needle felting has taken the crafting world by storm!

If your kids are enamored with the adorable felted pieces they see online and are begging you to try projects of their own, it might be time for you to consider whether this is the appropriate hobby for them. The short answer is of course it is!

I’ve met kiddos of all ages who are able to create beautiful needle felted pieces, and naturally, my kids started at a young age! So, if this is something your children are looking forward to, I say go for it. But first, you might want to consider these points before moving forward.

Hand-Eye Coordination

It’s no secret that the needles used in needle felting are sharp! So, it’s essential that your children have solid hand-eye coordination before they take part in this activity.

To test your child’s coordination, all you have to do is look at the way they write. Penmanship is a great tool to use to determine whether your child will have issues maneuvering the thin, oh-so-fragile needles.

However, if you have children who are active in sports or are already masters at knitting, crocheting, or weaving, then they’ll have an easier time getting the hang of handling the needles.


When it comes to needle felting safety, there are rules for adults as well as kids! Set up a safety system with your young crafter so they know that no session can begin unless all steps are followed.

Your child should be using a felting pillow to absorb the force of the needle as well as protecting their little fingers (and your dining room table) from constant stabbing.

Needle felting is a cozy activity, but it should not be done on the couch, on the play rug, or in bed. Set up a clean, bright crafting space for your child and designate the area as the official crafting spot. Needle felting projects should not be worked on anywhere outside of the area.

The last safety step is where you come in! You should never leave your child unattended while they are working with needles. Even adults make mistakes with these sharp tools.

Patience & Guidance

Before your child can create the beautiful creatures they see online, they’re going to need patience so they can learn the techniques to get there. If your child has problems focusing or sitting for long periods at a time, it may be best to wait a year or two until they are ready to commit to the process.

If patience is no problem, all you have to do is guide your little one in the right direction! There are extensive free resources available online that will help your child get started. And once they understand the basics, you should consider buying them a needle felting kit!

Needle felting kits for beginners allow your kids to see quick results from all their hard work. From llamas and horses to pigs and sheep, there’s no bigger motivation than the fruits of their labor.

Needle felting kits also make it easy for parents! No need to run to the store and play the guessing game when it comes to sourcing materials. In one click, you can order kits that are ready with all the tools your child needs!

Would you and your little one enjoy learning needle felting techniques that will allow you to achieve amazing results? We’d love for you to be part of our growing community! The Bear Creek Felting Academy is a one-stop-shop for all things needle felting. With video tutorials, tips & techniques, and feedback from me, you will be amazed by what you can create once someone is right there with you every step of the way. Click here to learn more! We can’t wait to see what you’ll dream up.








Learn to Needle Felt the Easy Way!

I’m Teresa Perleberg

a needle felting sculpture artist, raising a flock of sheep and teaching others how to needle felt as well as sharing my farm experiences.

~Sheep, wool, farm-life, spinning, dyeing, knitting is what I love.

My mission? To help others learn to needle felt the easy way.

needle felted animals

Let me show you how you can easily create beautiful sculptures

by using the correct supplies and techniques

I have helped over 10,000 learn how to needle felt through my needle felting kits and even more who have received personal instruction from me through my Online Needle Felting Academy.

Now it’s your turn! I would love to help you get started today!

Join the Bear Creek Needle Felting Academy today!

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