Have you always been an artist?
I get this question quite often and I don’t really know how to reply. I have hastily and without much thought replied with, “I used to like to color when I was little.” This usually brings some laughter but it is the only “art” I remember engaging in as a child. When I was a little older I tried drawing, but didn’t have great success and gave it up. We had arts and crafts in grade school, but nothing very significant that would lead me to think of myself as artistic. I went to a small school where art wasn’t an option in high school. I did take a graphic arts class at a vo-tech school my senior year and was all signed up to major in Graphic Arts in College until I changed my mind at the last minute and majored in Parks and Recreation at a completely different college instead.
Several years passed in between without much creativity at all, but I think the artist was always there and building up waiting for the day I found the perfect medium.
Studying Art without Realizing It
I grew up on a farm in SE North Dakota where we raised cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens, Oh and grain, lots of grain. My main interest was the animals. Our farm was also home to horses, kitties and a dog. Some of my activities on the farm included raking hay, bunching bales, driving grain truck, rounding up the cows on horseback plus various other jobs. When I was 9 I joined 4H and began showing cattle with my family at local shows. Cows continue to be one of my favorite animals to sculpt.
One of my favorite things to do other than play with them was take pictures of the animals. This was before digital cameras and I would often fill an entire roll of film with different shots of the cats, sheep or whatever other animal I thought was extra photogenic at the moment. My parents thought I would outgrow it, but guess what? Check out my instagram and facebook! 🙂 I didn’t outgrow it. I collected these pictures in albums blurry or not. I still have these albums filled with blurry pictures of animals that I have long since forgotten and a few pictures of friends and family mingled throughout.
I tried to draw animals, spending a lot of time trying to perfect this art but didn’t feel I had a gift for drawing. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was developing my artistic eye in studying these animals, there expressions, personalities, their beauty and how they were put together.
This has nothing to do with growing up on a farm but it was a major factor in teaching me attention to detail. I loved stuffed animals as a child and maybe held onto this love a little longer than I should have, possibly into junior high. My entire bed was covered with them. In my mind they were alive and had feelings so I made sure they were comfortable at all times. I was frustrated with stuffed animals that were ugly, scary or just didn’t have any expression at all. I wished they could be a little more realistic and when I found one that passed my quality inspection I had to add it to my collection. I think this is what continues to drive my desire to make animals with creative expressions and realistic features.
I believe all of these things combined built the artist that I am today.
Next in Part 2 of this series find out how Homeschooling helped me start a business making money with wool.
Hello Theresa, I am a London born girl, but through the twists and turns of life, I now happily live on the North York moors UK. My daughter brought me to wool, as she loved animals. She’s not academic but still took an agricultural direction and after meeting her husband at the same college, now run sheep and beasts in the farm just over from me. I used to pot, but when I moved here I couldn’t find what I needed and couldn’t fund a kiln. So through a new friend I discovered needle felting. Bliss, I can create all sorts with wool which I get from their farm. I mainly use Blue faced Leicester, although will try lots of other wools as they come my way. I’ve also recently tried wet felting. It’s a wonderful medium to work with. I prepare the fleece, comb and spin, and dye if I’m knitting something. I also use merino for some of my things, bought in, ready prepared. Your website is lovely and I only wish we were closer, for courses and things. All the very best with your life. Hils xx
Hi Hils, I have also worked with clay and really enjoyed it but don’t have a kiln. That is the great thing about needle felting, you don’t need anything other than wool and felting needles. I am glad you found needle felting and have access to your daughter’s sheep and wool. I do have an online community of needle felting enthusiasts if you would ever like to join that would be awesome! You can find out more here: https://bearcreekfelting.com/teresa-perlebergs-needle-felting-academy/
Thanks so much for this note! I enjoyed it. 🙂
Hi Theresa my name is Darlene and I have always loved art and crafts. Back when I wanted to be a true artist but never was quite there. I could and can draw some things ok but not well. I could never figure out painting and was always jealous of people who could do these things well. But I still wanted an outlet for the artist inside of me. About a year ago I found needle felting and fell in love with it. I still haven’t found my specialty yet but I truly enjoy the process. Thank you for all the advice and instruction you give,it has taught me so much. I live in rural southeast Georgia and not many hear have even heard about this craft. I have to order all supplies because no one even close that I can find even have needles. It is a challenge but I will continue and hopefully get better at my creations.