Exciting News, and it’s all about Black Sheep!
- We Sheared our sheep and the most exciting part was shearing the Wensleydales for the first time. I was surprised at how much heavier the Wensleydale fleece was compared to our other breeds. It is quite perfect and I have washed it already and have it displayed in my living room to enjoy and fondle each time I walk by. 🙂 The wool from Scooby our Wensleydale ram is my favorite with its perfect grey curls with brown tips all beautiful and lustrous. I have waited to have wool from my very own Wensleydales for a long time.

2. By popular demand I have released my newest needle felting kit . . . The Black Sheep kit. It is basically the same as my white sheep kit only black, so it is perfect for beginners. You have asked for a black sheep kit for years and it is finally here. I usually design one new kit a year, but since this was an easy design or variation of my white sheep kit, I will definitely be coming out with another “all new” kit as well this year.

3. I am going to the Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene, Oregon in June! I am so excited for this event. I will have my kits, wool and needle felted art available for sale. If you live in the area I would love to meet you so please stop in and say hi. I am looking forward to fellowship with other shepherds, the sheep and wool shows and so much more.

Will you be selling the black curly? I am interested in the wool, but not the kit. 🙂
If I am able to source enough good quality wool along with my own I will. I am not to that point yet since the kits are selling so well it is hard to keep up with them plus find extra to sell on the side. That is the hope for the future as my curly wool flock grows. Sign up for my newsletter to find out when I have new items available. Thanks for asking!
I just love the animals you make – and I’ve always had a spot in my heart for sheep. About 10 years ago we went on a family trip to England. We stumbled, more or less, on the Stonehenge, beautifully highlighted by the rising sun. My kids squeeled in delight. So did I, and exclaimed, “Wow, look at those gorgeous sheep!” . The sheep were wandering the field where the Stonehenge stood. Since then, I never lived down the fact that I squeeled because of the sheep, not the historically important Stonehenge!
I can hear myself saying the same thing in that situation! 🙂