I’ve been asked this question countless times over the years, and it’s a great one! Whether you’re new to needle felting or just starting a new project, it’s hard to know how much wool you’ll need. To help you out, I’ve put together some helpful pictures and details about the weight of wool required for specific needle felting projects. I hope this will serve as a useful guide for you.
A key thing to understand is that wool will shrink down to about half of its original size once it’s needle felted. This is something to keep in mind when shopping for wool. While this is a good starting point, I’ve included more detailed information in the pictures below to help you visualize how much wool you’ll need for different projects.
Each sculpture in the images is made from our wool. Next to each sculpture, you’ll see the amount of wool I used to create it. This visual guide should give you a better sense of how much the wool shrinks as you felt it. Under each picture, I’ve also included the weight of the wool used and the size dimensions of the finished sculpture.

I used .2 ounces to make this dragon.

I used .5 ounces of wool to make this bunny.

I used 3.2 ounces of wool to make him.

I used 4.2 ounces of wool to make this giraffe sculpture.

I used 6.6 ounces of wool to make this needle felted loon.
If you would like to learn more about needle felting you can read more articles here or try out one of my easy beginner needle felting kits!
Thank you for sharing. Very informative.
I saw that the above photos give examples of how much wool to use for each project. But what I want to know is what kind of scale you use to get such tiny measurements as .2 ounces or .5 ounces? Thank you.
I use a postal scale or my kitchen scale.
Thankyou for your comments I wondered if the giraffe had wire. At the moment am making bears but hope to expand. Great blog thanks Teresa
Thank you for this great info. I’ve been looking for a place that has felting classes near me. I can’t seem to find one. I was wondering about how long it takes to make a small 2 inch animal?
Thank you Teresa for this information I should imagine you get asked the same questions over and over again.. If its written down like this It will save you lots of time. Thank you xx
Teresa I just joined your blog and was wondering if you sell the non colored wool. I could not find it on the website. Thanks
Yes, you can find colored wool here -https://bearcreekfelting.com/product-category/needlefeltingsupplies/wool/
Another great informative and to the point article, thanks heaps Teresa, Oh to be closer to the action of your farm and enjoy the many beautiful moments you have with your sheep and your craft. Thanks again for making things easier to do
Lots of great information. I just started felting and it is quit addicting! I even started my grandkids on it this past weekend and they had a blast making their own little project. You have a wonderful and informative site! Thank you…
As a newbie to needlefelting, this article has been most helpful…thank you. Also, very beautiful work!
thank you Teresa. I will give those a try
can you use anything other than wool? I’m highly allergic, but I want to try felting
Wool is the best for needle felting. You may want to try camel, alpaca, goat or angora rabbit. These fibers will not felt as well as wool but you may not be allergic to them.
Mille mercis, je profite mieux de votre blog!!!!
J’aime beaucoup votre blog mais je ne peux que regarder les images dommage qu’il ne puisse pas y avoir la traduction comme sur d’autres blogs.
merci à vous
Merci d’avoir posé la question. J’ai ajouté un bouton de traduction en haut de la colonne de droite.
Do you have armatures inside any of these? Like wire in the giraffe or styrofoam in the duck,or are they all solid wool?
They are all solid wool. The giraffe has wire in his legs.
This article is great. I’m the leader of a felting group that is part of the Central Va. American Sewing Guild. I will differently let the ladies know about this information and your site.
Thank you!