How to Needle Felt Your Way Back to School

How to Needle Felt Your Way Back to School

Doesn’t it feel like summer came and went this year? For many of you, the weathermight be starting to feel a bit crisper, the leaves will start changing soon, and — themost significant change of all — kids are headed back to school. With COVID-19restrictions in place,...
Is Needle Felting Right For You?

Is Needle Felting Right For You?

Let’s see, there’s felting, knitting, and crocheting, basket weaving and quilting—jeesh, there are so many different crafts out there, you probably haven’t even heard of half of them! Crafting is such a fulfilling hobby, but it can also become a big commitment. After...

Rainy Summer Days? Keep the Kids Busy With Needle Felting

Summer is finally here! It’s time for swimming pools, beach trips . . . and unexpected rainstorms. Sometimes a rainstorm can be nice to cool things down or cut the humidity. But, as anyone with children knows, rainy days can lead to a whole lot of BOREDOM! Now, it’s...