Cool Down with Summer Crafts

Cool Down with Summer Crafts

Summer’s here & the weather is fine. It’s about time you baaaaask in the sun and create needle felted sheep! Now that the kids are off to camp, I have a perfect idea that will allow you to stay busy, perfect your craft, and make the most adorable, life-like...
Is Needle Felting Right For You?

Is Needle Felting Right For You?

Let’s see, there’s felting, knitting, and crocheting, basket weaving and quilting—jeesh, there are so many different crafts out there, you probably haven’t even heard of half of them! Crafting is such a fulfilling hobby, but it can also become a big commitment. After...

Crafting Confidence Through Needle Felting

It’s been a long day. Maybe your boss yelled at you. Maybe you bombed that big test. Maybe you hit every red light and spilled your coffee, and the kids are fighting, and it just feels like you can’t do anything right. Sound familiar? We all have days like that...
Needle Felt Your Stress Away

Needle Felt Your Stress Away

Have you ever come home at the end of a long day and wanted to just stab something? Look, I’m not saying I have, and I’m not saying I haven’t. What I can tell you is that one of the best (and most legal) ways to channel that frustration is needle felting. Here are 5...