by Teresa Perleberg | Aug 28, 2020
Doesn’t it feel like summer came and went this year? For many of you, the weathermight be starting to feel a bit crisper, the leaves will start changing soon, and — themost significant change of all — kids are headed back to school. With COVID-19restrictions in place,...
by Teresa Perleberg | May 31, 2019
Needle felting as we know it today has been around for decades. But with addictive Youtube tutorials that transform simple pieces of felt into dynamic, lifelike creatures and a certain freedom that’s not as prevalent in other craft forms, needle felting has taken the...
by Teresa Perleberg | May 10, 2019
There are only a few more weeks until summer break, and while the kids might be counting down the days, parents around the country are thinking of ways to keep their little ones busy—for the sake of sanity for all parties involved! While the sun blazes outside, keep...
by Teresa Perleberg | Dec 21, 2018
Home /Author: Teresa Perleberg/Page 15 Crafting Goals With The Kids As adults, we know that the thrill of a new year can often be overshadowed by our new year’s resolutions. In January, we all sort of become obsessed with our new goals. We make sure to hit the gym...
by Teresa Perleberg | Jun 22, 2018
Summer is finally here! It’s time for swimming pools, beach trips . . . and unexpected rainstorms. Sometimes a rainstorm can be nice to cool things down or cut the humidity. But, as anyone with children knows, rainy days can lead to a whole lot of BOREDOM! Now, it’s...