Why Needle Felting Might Help You Sleep Better

Why Needle Felting Might Help You Sleep Better

If you’re one of the 500 million Americans who have trouble falling asleep at night, you know how your restlessness can throw you off-kilter for the entire day. Tossing and turning, waking up every hour (on the hour), fidgeting, throwing the sheets off—it’s no fun at...
Best Crafting Blogs to Keep You Busy This Fall

Best Crafting Blogs to Keep You Busy This Fall

​The cool weather will be here before you know it, and if you’re looking for ways to stay busy you might want to consider exploring the world of crafts!  Get into the zone, learn a new skill, or perfect an old hobby with tips and inspiration from some of the best...
Tips for Needle Felting with Arthritis

Tips for Needle Felting with Arthritis

Crafters tend to get lost in the “zone.” But as someone living with arthritis, the temptation to continue needle felting through the pain could leave you with stiff shoulders and cramped fingers!  With 29 joints and a complex web of muscles, ligaments, and tendons,...
Summer Activities: Felting with the Kids

Summer Activities: Felting with the Kids

There are only a few more weeks until summer break, and while the kids might be counting down the days, parents around the country are thinking of ways to keep their little ones busy—for the sake of sanity for all parties involved! While the sun blazes outside, keep...
Needle Felting: From Hobby to Habit

Needle Felting: From Hobby to Habit

I don’t know about you, but if I don’t do something with my hands each day, I start to get antsy! Needless to say that it’s pretty easy for us to always get our hands dirty here on the farm. However, in our world today, we’re always glued to our phones or sitting...