How a Sheep Becomes a Giraffe

How a Sheep Becomes a Giraffe

​As you no doubt know by now, I love my sheep. The short story is, the sheep came to live on our then cattle farm as a birthday gift for my daughter, who was becoming quite the knitter. What started as a flock of four registered Romney ewes has become a flock of...
Knitting at Bear Creek

Knitting at Bear Creek

Have you met my Daughter Libbie?  She attends most shows with me, plus I have shared her knitting in the past.  Libbie wanted to learn how to knit when she was 7 years old.  I found a book and learned the basics of knitting so that I could show her how.  Since those...
Needle Felting Giraffe #5

Needle Felting Giraffe #5

This is my 5th needle felted giraffe.  I loved how the first giraffe I made turned out and have tried to make one or two each year since. Here are some pictures of the early stages of making a giraffe. The pictures were taken over several days and shared on my...
Top Ten Sculptures of 2013

Top Ten Sculptures of 2013

  Last year I started the tradition of selecting my top 10 favorites of the year.  It was easier last year for some reason, this year I had a hard time narrowing it down.  Here is what I came up with for the top needle felted sculptures.  My top ten needle felted...
Giraffe #2

Giraffe #2

This is the beginnings of a needle felted giraffe.  Hours have already been spent on this project getting it to this point. Here I have put some work into the legs on one side. The legs are finished on the other side.  The legs take considerable patience becuase I...