by Teresa Perleberg | Feb 24, 2025 |
Home /Blog My Favorite Needle Felting Tool I usually felt for hours at a time, most of the day, everyday so finding a comfortable needle felting tool was a top priority! I felt with a single needle and up until a few years ago I didn’t use anything other than...
by Teresa Perleberg | Feb 14, 2020 |
I remember the feeling of being the “new kid” in a group – everyone seems to know what’s going on except me! Ever “felt” that way? Puns aside, it can be intimidating to come into a new group and feel like you’re on the outside just because you don’t know the...
by Teresa Perleberg | Oct 18, 2019 |
I don’t know about you, but I find that having the perfect tool for the task makes anything easier and more enjoyable. Needle felting is pretty simple in that not much is needed to get started, but like anything, it draws you in! The basics It’s true, to get started...
by Teresa Perleberg | May 17, 2019 |
Starting a new hobby is supposed to be exciting, so why do you feel so overwhelmed? You’re not alone! Way back in 2006 when I first fell in love with the magical world of crafting, I was exactly where you are today. Whether it’s blogs, Youtube tutorials, or crafting...