A Case for Shopping Small

A Case for Shopping Small

Living where I do – on a farm in North Dakota – I am deeply connected to farmers, small towns, and small businesses. In some ways, I am surrounded by entrepreneurs, people who are in business because they see a direct need in the community and are able to...
How a Sheep Becomes a Giraffe

How a Sheep Becomes a Giraffe

​As you no doubt know by now, I love my sheep. The short story is, the sheep came to live on our then cattle farm as a birthday gift for my daughter, who was becoming quite the knitter. What started as a flock of four registered Romney ewes has become a flock of...
When Your Felting Project Needs a Plan B (or C)

When Your Felting Project Needs a Plan B (or C)

If you believe social media feeds, everyone else’s projects are perfect! Perfect colors, perfect shapes, even perfect lighting. But seriously, how often do your projects go precisely according to plan? I know my projects sometimes finish a bit differently than I...
How Needle Felting Can Improve Your Memory

How Needle Felting Can Improve Your Memory

​Ever feel like your memory isn’t what it used to be? Do you believe you’re not retaining information as you once did? It seems that many people have accepted a decline in memory as we age, yet there are things we can do about it – including needle felting!...
Tackling The Most Often Asked Questions

Tackling The Most Often Asked Questions

I remember the feeling of being the “new kid” in a group – everyone seems to know what’s going on except me! Ever “felt” that way? Puns aside, it can be intimidating to come into a new group and feel like you’re on the outside just because you don’t know the...
Where Do You Go for Needle Felting Inspiration?

Where Do You Go for Needle Felting Inspiration?

As needle felters, we belong to a community of crafters and hobbyists who are in the habit of creating. We create beautiful creations, focusing on getting all the little details perfect. Create: 1) to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not...
Giving Your Needle Felting Creations Life

Giving Your Needle Felting Creations Life

The downside of becoming addicted to needle felting is that you end up with dozens of fabulous creations that you don’t want to part with! Oh sure, we make our art for friends and family, but let’s be honest, do you keep more than you give or even sell? I...
Stepping Up Your Felting Game

Stepping Up Your Felting Game

No matter what we do in life, we can always improve! I also believe that anything worth our time is worth doing to the best of our abilities – after all, time is precious! So if you’re looking to push yourself this year, consider setting new goals for yourself...
Five Ways to be Happier with Needle Felting in 2020

Five Ways to be Happier with Needle Felting in 2020

The start of each new year stirs conversations around how we will become “better” in some way during the coming year. Perhaps you’ll stop smoking, join a gym, clean out the basement, or vow to remember birthdays with a handwritten note. These are all worthy pursuits,...
New Year, New Habits

New Year, New Habits

Anyone else feel like there is SO much pressure around creating new year resolutions? While I may not be the bandwagon type, I do believe in stretching ourselves to become the best we can be – and that is a year-round commitment. Ever since moving to our farm...
Five Ways Needle Felting Can Make You Better at Life

Five Ways Needle Felting Can Make You Better at Life

Fresh from the holidays, we might all feel as though we need a vacation from our vacation! Endless to-do lists, family get-togethers, school obligations, and office parties can leave us feeling as though our calendar is controlling us instead of the other way around....
Needle Felting Myths Debunked

Needle Felting Myths Debunked

If you’re new to needle felting the hobby that shapes beautifully spun wool into intricate creatures with character, you might have bumped into a few myths that need debunking. Have no fear; I’m here to clear up the confusion and get you started on the...
Craft Goals For The New Year

Craft Goals For The New Year

Home /Author: Teresa Perleberg/Page 11 Craft Goals For The New Year There’s just something about the cold weather, warm hearts, and buttery baked goods that can make you feel so appreciative this time of year. And if you’re anything like me, you’re probably wondering...
A Needle Felting Resolution

A Needle Felting Resolution

​Can you believe it? An entire decade is coming to a close! Soon everyone will become thoughtful and turn to New Year’s resolutions. Why not add a goal of expanding your crafting to needle felting? Needle felting is more than just a craft or a way to create adorable...
Shop Small, Shop Sustainable This Season

Shop Small, Shop Sustainable This Season

Holiday shopping is in full swing, and it would be easy to do all of your buying from your keyboard; click on email sales and wait for Amazon to deliver. I can’t argue with the convenience – it’s great to have the world delivered – but I will challenge you...