You might not have known this, but I have been on Etsy since the early days! Back then, there were nowhere near as many storefronts as there are today, and with that influx of competition means that you have to cross every T and dot every I to be successful in the marketplace. 

Don’t worry; it always sounds tedious at the beginning. But, I promise that in no time, you’ll be posting, selling, and most importantly, building a community of followers that will go wherever you go! 

Are you ready to free up time in your busy schedule so you can design more crafts—and make money while doing it? Take a look at these simple mistakes to avoid. 

Don’t just dive in!

You’re eager, and I’m so excited for you, after all, I spend so much of my time dedicated to helping crafters just like you. But, you don’t want to bite off more than you can chew. The policies, site best practices, and trends on Etsy are constantly shifting. Brush up on your niche before listing your items!

Websites such as Craft Count will actually help you find the top sellers in your niche. This gives you the opportunity to analyze what they’re doing right so you can implement those strategies into your new business! 

Don’t skimp on photos!

Today’s consumer simply won’t accept grainy, dark, out of focus photos, and you shouldn’t either. Etsy allows you to post ten photos per item listing. That gives you ten opportunities to catch every angle and adorable detail. 

Take your photos in a bright room that’s clear of clutter. Level your camera off with the craft as if it’s directly at eye’s level, and play around with your angles. Photography is just like crafting. It takes practice! You probably won’t get it spot-on the first time, but keep trying! If you really want to get fancy, check out these at-home photo hacks! 

Don’t rush through titles!

The title of your listing is what helps potential buyers find you in the sea of crafters on Etsy. Strategy is essential when creating titles, and besides photos, this is one of the most important concepts for you to master. 

Let’s say you’re selling a needle felted bunny. 

Don’t: Cute and Fluffy Brown Gray Black Soft Felted Bunny

Do: Needle Felt Bunny | Brown & Gray 

Why? Because Etsy takes the first five words of your title for search purposes. That means that if you put the kind of creation you’re making all the way at the end, the people who are looking for that specific craft won’t even find you. 

Don’t ditch the descriptions!

For some of us, writing is the absolute last thing we ever want to do. But when it comes to your listings, you simply have to do it. Your description allows a potential buyer to know exactly what they’re getting when they purchase your item. 

Think of it like this. What would you want to know if you were purchasing something? What kind of details are critical in your buying decisions? What words bring life to the item and make you want to click? Every time you post an item on Etsy, you should answer all of these questions!

Don’t forget the keywords! 

One more thing to write!? I know. I know. But this one is also essential. Use relevant tags, and use as many of them as you can dream of. It might be hard to push past the most obvious (crafts, needle felt, plush, knit, etc.) at first, but once you start thinking outside the box, that’s where the magic happens! 

Keywords are another tool that allows your potential customers to find you. As repetitive as it might feel to add a laundry list of keywords for each listing, it means you’ll have the opportunity to be featured in more searches, and that’s what you want. 

At Bear Creek Felting, we love every aspect of the crafting world. Whether you’re a hobbyist, find yourself crafting to relieve stress, just want to craft with your grandkids, or have a dream to turn your skills into a business, we’re here for you! 

We’d love for you to be part of our Felting Academy. We’re a community of crafters working together to create magical creations. With video tutorials and feedback from me, you’ll be on your way to your craft dreams. Click here to learn more! 


Learn to Needle Felt the Easy Way!

I’m Teresa Perleberg

a needle felting sculpture artist, raising a flock of sheep and teaching others how to needle felt as well as sharing my farm experiences.

~Sheep, wool, farm-life, spinning, dyeing, knitting is what I love.

My mission? To help others learn to needle felt the easy way.

needle felted animals

Let me show you how you can easily create beautiful sculptures

by using the correct supplies and techniques

I have helped over 10,000 learn how to needle felt through my needle felting kits and even more who have received personal instruction from me through my Online Needle Felting Academy.

Now it’s your turn! I would love to help you get started today!

Join the Bear Creek Needle Felting Academy today!

online needle felting classes

The Bear Creek felting Story