Do you have an inner critic? I know I do! It’s that nagging voice that seems to have an opinion about something I’ve just done. Our inner critics can really do a number on our confidence, convincing us that we are not good enough. Luckily, we can silence that “Negative-Nellie” when we actively work on building our confidence.

Everyone has bouts of insecurity, and everyone can bolster their self-worth. One way you can foster self-assurance in all things is to build your confidence in one thing, for instance taking up a hobby like needle felting.

It’s true! When we commit to learning a new skill, we begin to build evidence that we are good at something and can learn new things. Further, with a creative endeavor like needle felting, we are invoking our imagination and creativity, which again gives us faith in our abilities.

Part of a community

Another way to develop our confidence is through helping others. Needle felting has a wonderful community of supportive people who are all working to elevate their craft. Through helping another person, we realize we are knowledgeable and capable of teaching another. 

Of course, seeing a finished creation gives us a jolt of fresh confidence! The pride of knowing that you created a unique, needle felted creature reminds us all that we are capable of conceiving beautiful art.

Everyone is a beginner at some point

Think of how you feel when you try something for the first time – it’s scary! You don’t know if you’ll be any good at it or if people will judge your early efforts. I get it! Starting my needle felting business was scary, but now I can’t imagine life any other way.

We all need to take that first step, to jump into something new, open to learning, and making mistakes. If you’re already needle felting, I encourage you to push your skills and try new techniques or advanced patterns and go beyond your comfort zone. With every victory comes a new level of confidence.

The good news is you’re never alone. There are teachers like me, along with our fantastic community to show you the ropes and teach you the lingo. We have beginner kits, classes, and online resources all designed to make you fall in love with needle felting the way so many of us already have.

With every new creation, you’ll gain a new level of confidence that will remind you of your ability to learn new things and create beauty out of needles and wool. 

Have I convinced you to give needle felting a try? The Bear Creek Needle Felting Academy offers the support and direction you need to get started. Plus you’ll be part of a community of creatives who generously share their tips and experiences. I’ll be there too to help you create enchanted animals for yourself and others. Click here to learn more!  

Learn to Needle Felt the Easy Way!

I’m Teresa Perleberg

a needle felting sculpture artist, raising a flock of sheep and teaching others how to needle felt as well as sharing my farm experiences.

~Sheep, wool, farm-life, spinning, dyeing, knitting is what I love.

My mission? To help others learn to needle felt the easy way.

needle felted animals

Let me show you how you can easily create beautiful sculptures

by using the correct supplies and techniques

I have helped over 10,000 learn how to needle felt through my needle felting kits and even more who have received personal instruction from me through my Online Needle Felting Academy.

Now it’s your turn! I would love to help you get started today!

Join the Bear Creek Needle Felting Academy today!

online needle felting classes

The Bear Creek felting Story