8 Things You Should Know About Needle Felting

8 Things You Should Know About Needle Felting

Needle felting is an amazing activity fit for people from all walks of life, and it’s clear to see why. There’s nothing quite like sitting down for a relaxing afternoon of crafting. Whether you’re just getting started or have a few projects under your belt, you might...

Needle Felting Family Fun

We’ve talked a lot in recent weeks about the MANY benefits of needle felting. We’ve discussed how it can help Alzheimer’s patients, relieve depression, and build social connections. With all of those benefits, don’t you want to share the art of needle felting with...

How Needle Felting Can Help Relieve Depression

I recently came across an article on ceramics and how it can help those battling depression. In it, they discussed the work of art psychotherapist Joshua K. M. Nan. Nan studied the effect that ceramic art therapy can have in those struggling with depressive disorders,...
How Sheep came to reside at Bear Creek

How Sheep came to reside at Bear Creek

This is the 4th post in my blog series; “How I started needle felting and making money with wool from my sheep.”  I started out sharing how growing up on a farm influenced my artistic side and developed my eye for detail.  In the second post I share how homeschooling...
Needle Felting with Shetland Wool

Needle Felting with Shetland Wool

What wool should I choose for felting? Have you wondered if you should use Shetland wool?  If you have done any needle felting at all, or you are looking to start you will be wondering what breed of wool to use.  I was lucky when I was just beginning I had a flock of...
Farm Grown Artist

Farm Grown Artist

Have you always been an artist? I get this question quite often and I don’t really know how to reply.  I have hastily and without much thought replied with, “I used to like to color when I was little.”  This usually brings some laughter but it is the...