Needle Felt Your Stress Away

Needle Felt Your Stress Away

Have you ever come home at the end of a long day and wanted to just stab something? Look, I’m not saying I have, and I’m not saying I haven’t. What I can tell you is that one of the best (and most legal) ways to channel that frustration is needle felting. Here are 5...

Needle Felting Questions – FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions   Needle Felting What is Needle Felting I put together tons of information and videos explaining needle felting here:Needle Felting 101 What is a Felting Needle? Do Felting Needles Wear out? Find the Answer in this article.   What...

Feel Well with Felting

As a shepherd-turned-business owner, my days can be extremely hectic. But I always try to find time for my mental health. Especially once lambing season arrives, it’s just too easy to let the “hustle” take over! Thankfully, my business is centered...