by Teresa Perleberg | Feb 6, 2017
I was honored to be given the opportunity to visit with Sue Monhait of GiftBiz Unwrapped on her podcast. Sue found me at the One of a Kind Show in Chicago and later contacted me for an interview. This was my first experience on a podcast and I am excited to share it...
by Teresa Perleberg | Jan 24, 2017
Quit Your Day Job Feature I was excited recently to hear from Etsy that they wanted to feature me in their ongoing blog series. The Quit Your Day Job series focuses on Etsy sellers that were able to quit their regular day job because of their successful Etsy shop....
by Teresa Perleberg | Jan 4, 2017 |
Every year I go through the needle felted sculptures that I completed during the year and pick my favorites. I narrow it down to 10 sculptures. It is fun to look back over the years and see how my art has grown and changed. The rest of the year is filled in with...
by Teresa Perleberg | Apr 25, 2016 |
38 baby lambs and only one ewe left to go, we are very nearly finished with this lambing season. It has been an exciting month here at Bear Creek with nice healthy lambs and excellent mommies. Only one mom seemed indifferent to her new lamb, but has since come...
by Teresa Perleberg | Apr 6, 2016 |
Baby Lambs We started lambing here at Bear Creek on April 1, and as of today (4/6/16) we have 20 lambs. It has been a busy but fun few days here. I am happy to say that there hasn’t been any complications. I have had to help a few into the world but all...