A Case for Shopping Small

A Case for Shopping Small

Living where I do – on a farm in North Dakota – I am deeply connected to farmers, small towns, and small businesses. In some ways, I am surrounded by entrepreneurs, people who are in business because they see a direct need in the community and are able to...
3 Big Reasons to Shop Small this Holiday Season

3 Big Reasons to Shop Small this Holiday Season

Whether it’s picking up groceries, holiday shopping, or even crafting, when it comes to making decisions for your household, it often comes down to your bottom line. If you’re used to buying your grocery store’s $2 loaf of bread, why on Earth would you buy the locally...
The Woolly Women: A Source of Inspiration

The Woolly Women: A Source of Inspiration

This is the 5th post in my blog series; “How I started needle felting and making money with wool from my sheep.”  If you haven’t already you may want to read the previous articles in this series before this one.  These articles will help to explain how I got...
My Podcast interview with GiftBiz Unwrapped

My Podcast interview with GiftBiz Unwrapped

I was honored to be given the opportunity to visit with Sue Monhait of GiftBiz Unwrapped on her podcast.  Sue found me at the One of a Kind Show in Chicago and later contacted me for an interview.  This was my first experience on a podcast and I am excited to share it...

Etsy’s Quit Your Day Job Feature

Quit Your Day Job Feature I was excited recently to hear from Etsy that they wanted to feature me in their ongoing blog series.  The Quit Your Day Job series focuses on Etsy sellers that were able to quit their regular day job because of their successful Etsy shop....

Free Needle Felting Basics eBook!

Basics Felting EBook
  • What is Needle Felting
  • What's so Special about the Wool?
  • Needle Felting Lingo you Should Know
  • How do I start?
  • What Tools do I need?