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Are Insoles Really Worth It?

by | Feb 19, 2021

Did you know that wearing shoes without proper insoles can lead to or compound issues like pain or arthritis in your hips, back, knees, ankles, or feet? Even if you wear these shoes just for a short duration at a time, you can be causing stress and pain to your bones and joints, and the soft supporting tissues around them. Whether or not you are always on your feet, once you wear modern-built shoes, it’s time to start looking into using insoles.


Insoles are essential supplies that are highly underrated. When most people think about insoles, they think it’s something you pay attention to only if your doctor says so. If shoes were being built for comfort more than style, then sure. Unfortunately, modern shoes are not always designed with the proper anatomical positioning, and this can affect you whether you have a pre-existing disorder or not. So, contrary to popular belief, they are not solely for people with foot problems. Naturally, because of how connected all the bones and muscles in our body are, this could not be the case. Insoles are so vital to everyday life that you would wonder how you survived without them for so long.


If you have any foot, leg, or ankle injury, wearing proper insoles can provide relief. Apart from that, they generally allow healthy feet aligning and positioning when it comes to your stance and moving about otherwise. Insoles help to not only keep the feet comfortable but also to prevent the development of foot issues. Wearing shoes without insoles can put pressure on the thin tissues of the heel, causing them to become inflamed. This will eventually induce a fair amount of pain, and can also reduce the flexibility and support required for general foot movements. 


Maybe you don’t know where to start. Before getting the best replacement insoles for the ones in your shoes, you need to first know what type of foot you have and if you have any foot conditions. Typically, people believe that the best insoles are the softest. That’s a myth. Overly soft insoles are ineffective and can aggravate pre-existing issues. They need to be able to offer you the support that your feet need, as you move about.

Your replacement insole should offer you comfort so that at the end of the day, whether you deliver mail all day, hunt, farm, work in an office, drive a truck, fish, etc., your feet don’t feel sore. If you want to protect your feet, it’s time to get your first pair of insoles. Do you remember missing out on adventures because of sore feet? That should be a thing of the past. 


No, you won’t be walking on clouds instantly. As the experts say, we need to allow for a “breaking-in” period for our feet to align and adjust to the new condition. So, you’ll need to start out wearing them for short periods at first and gradually increase to regular everyday wear. 


We’ve designed premium felted insoles, Dakota Insoles, which are perfect for everyday outdoor and indoor activities for all ages. They are made from a blend of North Dakota-raised Alpaca wool. They are made in one large size (men size 13) but can be easily trimmed to fit any size footwear. Our form-to-fit insoles provide warmth and comfort, with moisture-wicking and odor-eating properties. Our deluxe Dakota Insoles Plus includes an added proprietary blend of activated charcoal, corn starch, and baking soda felted into the insoles to completely destroy foot odor.


The great thing about using Alpaca fiber in our Dakota Insoles is that it has insulating properties and is naturally water-resistant and breathable. This makes them the perfect insoles during cold, snowy months (keeping feet warm, dry, and comfortable) and hot summer months (keeping feet cool, dry, and comfortable).

We highly recommend getting more than one pairs of insoles so you don’t forget to switch out the insoles each time you use a different footwear. If our adorable felted Dakota Insoles inspired you to make your very own felted craft, get our deluxe needle felting kit that has everything you need to get started – including various colors of premium organic Bear Creek Romney Wool. For lessons, join or felting academy.


We hope to see you at our official Nome Schoolhouse opening, in July. Save the date and don’t forget to wear your cozy Dakota Insoles! 

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I’m Teresa Perleberg

a needle felting sculpture artist, raising a flock of sheep and teaching others how to needle felt as well as sharing my farm experiences.

~Sheep, wool, farm-life, spinning, dyeing, knitting is what I love.

My mission? To help others learn to needle felt the easy way.

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Let me show you how you can easily create beautiful sculptures

by using the correct supplies and techniques

I have helped over 10,000 learn how to needle felt through my needle felting kits and even more who have received personal instruction from me through my Online Needle Felting Academy.

Now it’s your turn! I would love to help you get started today!

Join the Bear Creek Needle Felting Academy today!

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