Trade Your Remote for Needles and Wool

Trade Your Remote for Needles and Wool

How are you coping in the face of the pandemic? Are you glued to the news? Are you stocking up on supplies? Are you feeling the stress of it all? While many may argue that keeping up with the news on an hourly basis is the responsible thing to do, I believe that...
How Needle Felting Can Improve Your Memory

How Needle Felting Can Improve Your Memory

​Ever feel like your memory isn’t what it used to be? Do you believe you’re not retaining information as you once did? It seems that many people have accepted a decline in memory as we age, yet there are things we can do about it – including needle felting!...
Where Do You Go for Needle Felting Inspiration?

Where Do You Go for Needle Felting Inspiration?

As needle felters, we belong to a community of crafters and hobbyists who are in the habit of creating. We create beautiful creations, focusing on getting all the little details perfect. Create: 1) to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not...
New Year, New Habits

New Year, New Habits

Anyone else feel like there is SO much pressure around creating new year resolutions? While I may not be the bandwagon type, I do believe in stretching ourselves to become the best we can be – and that is a year-round commitment. Ever since moving to our farm...
Five Ways Needle Felting Can Make You Better at Life

Five Ways Needle Felting Can Make You Better at Life

Fresh from the holidays, we might all feel as though we need a vacation from our vacation! Endless to-do lists, family get-togethers, school obligations, and office parties can leave us feeling as though our calendar is controlling us instead of the other way around....

Free Needle Felting Basics eBook!

Basics Felting EBook
  • What is Needle Felting
  • What's so Special about the Wool?
  • Needle Felting Lingo you Should Know
  • How do I start?
  • What Tools do I need?