Life often takes unexpected turns, leading us to places we never imagined. What starts as a simple life event can sometimes transform into a guided journey that changes everything. That’s exactly what happened when Libbie asked for a lamb all those years ago.
Of course, if you’ve ever gazed into a lamb’s adorable eyes, you’ll understand why leaving with just one was impossible. And so, what began as a single birthday wish turned into a flock of four Romney sheep—an addition that would transform both my family life and my work forever.
Back then, needle felting was just another craft we were dabbling in, nothing more. Little did I know that those tiny wool figures would one day become the heart of my creativity and business. But like any new hobby, needle felting had its challenges. There was a steep learning curve, and mastering it wasn’t always smooth sailing.
What truly made the difference for me? The right tools—especially the wool. Most beginner needle felting kits include Merino wool, which has its merits, but if you’re just starting, it can make things harder than they need to be. Let me tell you why Romney wool should be your go-to choice for needle felting:
1. A Firmer Felt, More Durable Sculptures
When Merino wool is felted, it stays pliable and soft. While that’s great for wet felting or creating fluffy textures, it’s not ideal for sturdy sculptures. With Merino, your figure can end up bendy—unless you’re felting a jellyfish, that’s not the look you’re going for! Romney wool, on the other hand, felts tightly and creates firm sculptures. Plus, it conceals seams beautifully, so your additions blend seamlessly.
2. Say Goodbye to Full Armatures
Felting into wire armatures can be frustrating, not to mention a quick way to break needles. But Romney wool’s firmness eliminates the need for full armatures. You can create a sturdy figure without battling with wire, allowing you to focus on adding intricate expressions to your work. For legs and delicate structures, a little armature might still come in handy—but did you know you can learn to felt legs without wire entirely? (Yes, you can! Join the Bear Creek Needle Felting Academy to unlock this advanced technique!)
3. Softness Without the Sponge
Merino wool does have its place, especially for finishing touches. A soft, squishy texture can make certain projects extra cozy, like adding a fluffy coat to a sheep model. But if you prefer a balance—softness without sponginess—Romney wool is the perfect choice. Our Romney wool provides a beautifully smooth finish while retaining the firmness you need for solid sculptures.
Looking back, it’s incredible to think how much joy those little lambs have brought into my life, not just as part of our family but as the foundation of a craft that continues to inspire me. Needle felting has become more than a hobby; it’s a way to express creativity, connect with others, and experience the simple pleasure of working with your hands.
In 2025, my greatest wish is for you to find the same joy in needle felting that I have. Whether you’re creating your first sculpture or mastering advanced techniques, remember—every masterpiece starts with the right wool.
Here’s to firmer felts, fewer broken needles, and boundless creativity. Happy felting!