5 Christmas Presents Every Needle Felter Needs

5 Christmas Presents Every Needle Felter Needs

Home /5 Christmas Presents Every Needle Felter Needs/Page 24 5 Christmas Presents Every Needle Felter Needs I remember the ‘before kids Teresa’ saw Christmas as an opportunity to have a good lie in, receive those bits I hadn’t bought for myself and eat/drink myself...
Top 5 Tips for Needle Felting Beginners

Top 5 Tips for Needle Felting Beginners

Home /Top 5 Tips for Needle Felting Beginners/Page 24 Top 5 Tips for Needle Felting Beginners When my daughter wanted a lamb for her birthday, the child within me couldn’t quite contain her excitement! Naturally, we couldn’t buy just one, so home we came with...
Can Crafting Help You Control Your Weight?

Can Crafting Help You Control Your Weight?

No matter your crafting preference, be it knitting, painting, or needle felting, a love for the arts is a powerful passion to have, and if you’ve been struggling to control your weight or simply trying to drop those excess pounds, crafting may be exactly what...
The Link Between Crafting and Intelligence

The Link Between Crafting and Intelligence

When you hear the word “intelligence,” thoughts of world-famous thinkers like Einstein or Newton might pop into your mind purely for their scientific discoveries. But have you ever thought to link their success to creativity? Intelligence is often associated with the...
The Benefits of Arts and Crafts for Seniors

The Benefits of Arts and Crafts for Seniors

Stepping into the golden years of retirement doesn’t mean merely sitting in your favorite armchair by the window, a cup of tea in hand, watching the world go by – although that does sound great! To maintain a great quality of life as we age, it’s essential to...
How Crafts Can Boost Your Career

How Crafts Can Boost Your Career

We were all born creative – a fact that many of us seem to forget as we age, and life, with all of its craziness and responsibilities, takes over. How many of us, as a child, found countless hours of entertainment from something as simple and seemingly mundane...
5 Reasons to Introduce Your Kids to Needle Felting

5 Reasons to Introduce Your Kids to Needle Felting

Experts say crafting activities, such as needle felting, play a central role in child- development as through these types of activities, children are continually building on skills and approaches that will assist them in later life. Below you’ll find just five of the...
Needle Felting: The Cure for Loneliness

Needle Felting: The Cure for Loneliness

  With the pandemic’s effects still looming over many of our lives, we are facing a level of isolation like never before. Remote working, job losses, and other limitations mean the social connections we once took for granted are hard to come by. The benefits of...
Fighting Seasonal Depression with Crafting

Fighting Seasonal Depression with Crafting

Summer has come to an end, and with that comes shorter days, less time in the sun, and for some, Seasonal Affective Disorder (also known as SAD). The most common form of SAD is winter depression, which impacts 4-6% of people, with an additional 10-20% of people...
How to Form a Needle Felting Habit This Fall

How to Form a Needle Felting Habit This Fall

As the weather cools down, it can be tempting to turn on the TV or succumb to the endless scroll of social media. With summer behind us, it’s important to take intentional steps towards keeping our minds fresh and our hands active! Whether you’re new to needle felting...
FALL in Love with Needle Felting

FALL in Love with Needle Felting

It’s about that time! The weather is getting crisp, the leaves are changing colors, and you’re sipping on a Pumpkin Spice Latte like there’s no tomorrow! What better way to celebrate the changing seasons than by creating a fun needle felting project! There’s something...
How to Needle Felt Your Way Back to School

How to Needle Felt Your Way Back to School

Doesn’t it feel like summer came and went this year? For many of you, the weathermight be starting to feel a bit crisper, the leaves will start changing soon, and — themost significant change of all — kids are headed back to school. With COVID-19restrictions in place,...